A picture of Yan Lai, student representative at Upward Frog CIC.

Yan Lai
Student Representative

Hello, I'm Yan.

By day, I work in the R&D field within the STEM sector. Like many office-based professionals, I began to experience stiffness in my neck, shoulder and lower back after prolonged periods of sitting in front of the computer. That's how I started my yoga journey in Upward Frog in 2023.

With regular practice now, I feel not only the physical strain is alleviated but also a sense of calm and groundedness while practicing yoga.

What sets Upward Frog apart from other yoga studios for me is its dedication to community engagement through various projects, which motivates me to volunteer as the student representative.

I hope for the next two years I'm able to contribute to these meaningful initiatives, connect with fellow yogis and the broader community. 

Beyond yoga, my passions lie in drawing/painting as well as reading (probably more non-fiction than fiction).