Baby Bonding Yoga with Claire Morgan

Baby Bonding Yoga involves yoga-inspired movements for caregivers to do with their babies.

The class last around 35-40 minutes. Claire will deliver holistic support to you to help your baby's overall development and well-being, making the class a perfect bonding time between you and your baby. The session involves gentle stretching, over-clothes massage, breathing techniques, songs, rhymes and sensory play.

Claire is a mum and a qualified Yoga teacher, Children's Yoga teacher and Baby Massage instructor. She will share her knowledge of mindfulness techniques and give families the knowledge to take this practice into their routines.

We recommend that babies have had their 8-10 week check-ups and any health conditions checked with health care professionals so they can participate in Baby Yoga. For Caregivers who have experienced a C-section, we recommend you wait 12 weeks post-procedure, waiting for a healthcare professional's guidance to allow exercise.  This class is suitable for babies after  8-10 week check-ups to walking away (around 12 months).

Please let us know of any health conditions before the session, and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

This spot is for one adult and one baby.

Please contact us if you need any extra spaces.


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